Mayor of Ashford Cllr Jenny Webb

Becoming Mayor in May 2019 was a privilege but I didn’t realise that it also allowed me the added privilege of becoming part of Twinning.

As a councillor, I did not really know much about the Twinning process so it was with some trepidation that I attended the welcoming party from Fougères I need not have worried as I was welcomed with such warmth and friendship.

David and I attended the farewell dinner for the Fougères party at the Everest Inn which was a fun-filled evening with speeches and lots of laughter and excellent fare.

It gave me real pleasure to present Matthew Forest as the new Twinning Champion his medal of honour in the Mayor’s Parlour. It’s never easy to feign surprise at being given awards but Matthew carried it off with his usual calm and professional self!

In September we enjoyed a wonderful trip to Bad Münstereifel. We had the pleasure of meeting both the Mayor of Bad Münstereifel and Fougères and many of the Twinners!

This was a real highlight and one of the most memorable visits that David and I have had. Bad Münstereifel is a beautiful Spa Town and it was a real pleasure to be invited to dine and share time with Martin and Martina in their relaxing garden and hotel. I don’t think we have ever consumed so much food and drink! Most enjoyable.

Sabine Preiser-Marian, the Mayor of Bad Münstereifel, arranged a full programme of visits which we thoroughly enjoyed.

We were saddened to have to say good-bye to newfound friends but look forward to having the opportunity to meet again in the not too distant future.

We have found the twinning experience a real pleasure. It has given us the opportunity to see and visit new places and enjoy the company of the members, so much so, that we have become members ourselves.

As my extended Mayoral year comes to an end I would like to say thank you to Peter, Philippa, Matthew and all the members for your kindness and for allowing us to be a part of the experience.

Looking forward, not back, to meeting again and enjoying each other’s company.

Written by Jenny & David Webb

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